
This is my confirgue mindmap.

Hello this is a quick video to show you how to custimize microsoft word for someone with visual imparment.
Hello this video is showing people how to use magnaifer and narreter for someone with visal and audio imparment
How to change screen resolution on windows 7

 The changes i made for someone with visual imparment.
Microsoft Word
I changed microsoft word so that it is easyier to read. I changed the appearance by changing the page colour to blue and changing the text white. I also minimize the ribbon so the page is bigger and add things to Q.A.T ( Quick Acess Toolbar ) so you can save easier and zoom in and out by just clicking on the symbol.
I changed resolution of the screen so that icons are bigger and changed the the background so that the icons are clearer.
Ease Of Access
Ease of access centre is built into the operating system so you have more opions. In the ease of access centre there is two very good options there is Magnifer and Narrator.
Magnifer is a program that you can use to zoom to your own liking there is all different options there is a opion called lens it zooms only where you mouse is at on the screen. there is a opition called full screen it does what it says it zooms the whole screen in. there is also options call docked you can set the size of the sreen that is zoomed in.
Narrator is a program that explains what your mouse is on. so if you dont how to use programs or cant read certain words. It reads them to you through the the spreaker and puts the words into a different context.


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