
CPU (Central Processing Unit)
CPU or also known as brain of the computer is a very complacted piece of hardware that tell your computer what to do. think of it this way without a brain your body wouldnt know what to do so ur computer is the same. A cpu handles all the instructions that you give it it has to work with all the pieces of hardware and software atechhed to your computer. The main two makers of processers Intel and AMD.

RAM ( Random Access Memery)
Ram is a vitial piece of your computer memery because without ram applactions and programs would not open on your computer the way ram works is it stores what you have opened so it will load faster but the problem with small ram is that it will get filled up and wont be able to store what you last had opened. It also helps your cpu it takes the information out that it dosent need and dumps it. Ram is short term memery your harddrive is long term memery.


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