Types Of Computer Systems


Laptop. The purpose of a laptop is to make a portable computer before laptops you had to carry around a desktop but now you can put everything you need in a small portable bag and that’s you. Laptops are nearly as fast as desktops now if not faster than some but there are some problems with laptops they run hotter because all the compoints are closure together and are smaller so they run warmer and if you have the laptop on your knee and block the fan they don’t get cold and then there are serious problems:

·      Cpu overheating

·      Gpu overheating

·      Motherboard failure

                                                              Mobile Phones

Mobile phone. The purpose of a mobile phone is to have a portable telephone when mobile phones first came out they were massive. Here are pictures

                                                                       Now look

You could only use a mobile phone in serction areas and it just called it didn’t even text you could only it was basically a portable telephone. Years ago everyone didn’t have a mobile phone but now nearly everyone has one.

 Now but you get games and apps but the purpose of calling someone one a phone hasn’t changed it is still threw masts.

                                                             Games consoles

Games consoles. The purpose of a games console is to entertain. Games consoles now are very like computers you can search the web and install apps. They have wifi they have wireless controllers really the technology is brilliant

Old games consoles like this one here this is an Nintendo 64 it used taps.


This is a ps3 the games for it is on a blu ray Disk and is very fast at loading and has Fantastic graphics and is like a mini pc                                                                             

                             Desktop pc

Desktop pc. They have been around for a long time the first desktop pcs were massive and very slow. now a desktop is small and is vary fast. the purpose of a desktop pc is to work at an office or workplace or even home. they are faster than some laptops because they have more space for everthing to go and run cooler so less chance of overheating 

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