System Software

System Software
Operating system is the main piece of system software in your devive. It is the thing that makes everthing work togeather.
File Managers are applactions that are ussually come with the operating system that allow you to explore files and folders and find things that you are looking for.
Back up the purpose of a back up is to let you go back to a certain point on your computer it keeps everthing that is on your device so that if the system crashs then you can go back to a certain place and carry on from then.
Disk utilities are a piece of software that helps you understand is there anything wroung with yor harddrive or storage device or any piece of storage hardware and it will let you delete unwanted files and folders that are no use just taking up space and let you delete cache data.
Diagnostic tools are tools that help you find the fault and tell you how to fix it they are sometimes hard to use but they will save you having to look through everything to try to find a fault
System software tools are pieces of software help you use the software they tell you what the software does and how to access different pieces of software and you it to your advantage.
 Sychronisetion is where you take to devies and you connect them to each other and you can send files and folders to one and other. Sending phone contacts from one phone till another is Sychronisetion.

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