Storage devices

Storage Devices



A harddrive is your main storage device on your pc. it holds all the vital pieces of information for your operating system to work. Information like the main structure of the operation system say windows 7 you will have it installed on your harddrive and then you will have drivers for everything to work like mouse and keyborad. Even sound you need you wiill need a driver for it to work.

    you also get an external harddrive that is
a memory device that you can plug in
through usb for you to be able to save
pieces of information that are to big to
put on a usb stick plus you can get really
big external harddrive like you can get
a 2 tb harddrive which is 2000 gb

Usb stick


A usb is a small devices that you can store data and files on. it is really easy to bring with you it can fit in your pocket. you can move files from one pc to another through a usb.




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